Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year - New Us!

Part of the reason that the blog has been so quiet the past few weeks is that in addition to celebrating the holidays with our family, we also got a jump start on our goal for 2010. We've decided that we are suffering from TMS - TOO MUCH STUFF!! We'll be shuffling some things around in our house soon (more on that later this week) so we decided that now is the perfect time to start getting rid of the junk that we've collected over the past 7 years (that's how long we've been married). We have lots of things that we haven't used in the past three and a half years (that's how long we've been in our house). Thinking back to the number of times that we moved while we lived in Texas (roughly seven moves in 5 years!) - I can't believe that we've carted some of this stuff around this long and that we haven't done this before. Granted, we have accumulated some junk over the past 3.5 years as well.

We've already packed up all of our Christmas decorations and that's where we started with the purging. We paired down 6 huge tubs of stuff! My mom's neighborhood has a neighborhood garage sale in May so we're setting all of our "junk" aside for that.

After the Christmas decorations, the first two rooms to get purged were the living room and our bedroom. We bought a wardrobe that looks like this:
and we sold our old dressers. I'm kind of nervous about sharing a wardrobe with Stranger as we have different ideas about what the word "neat" means but our room looks so much bigger now that it only has one dresser, a bed, and two nightstands in it.

We bought this dresser for TinyDancer:

and we had some money left over so we bought this for our living room:
I've been looking at this piece for months and when we went to get TinyDancer's dresser I was excited to see that it was on sale. Yay! No more shoes floating around the house! We had a shoe basket by the door, but it just wasn't working for us - the basket was too small and there was no room for a bigger basket in that area.

We are almost done with the living room - tomorrow TinyDancer and I are going through her games and puzzles and then that room will be done.
I have some great pictures of the girls - but part of our TMS project is to pare down our computers. We have three. Yes - three! A desktop, an older laptop, and a awesome new mini laptop. We're moving everything to our mini laptop and then we're selling our desktop and laptop. I can't upload any pictures right now as I got an awesome new camera for Christmas (Thank you Stranger!) and I only want to install the software once. I'm waiting until we move everything to the mini laptop and then I'll do the installation. I think that is our next project, so you won't have to wait too much longer!
We'll keep you posted on our progress.


Nicole said...

Sounds like things have been busy! It feels so good to just eliminate the excess--we have more of that to do too but we've made good progress.

Can't wait to see more photos of the girls!

Heather said...

You're speaking my language, girl. Throw it out, pare it down, hooray!

LowerTeakwood said...

Good luck! I love the shoe rack :)