Saturday, August 29, 2009


And we're off!

Sort of.

We're in the airport waiting for our fist plane to take off. We're off to Dulles and then we head to Moscow.

I can't believe that we are sitting here!


Heather said...

Man, I remember that feeling so well! We were just talking about you guys this morning and praying. I remember sitting in California, waiting to make the long stretch...what an exciting feeling!!!!!!

I am so excited for you guys!!!

PS Is TinyDancer going to be staying with your mom or at your house? Back and forth? Just so we know so we can help out if need be.

library lady said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin this part of the journey. We are with you in spirit as you begin. We will look forward to reading about each leg.

xx oo to all

Libraray Lady and Trolley Man

LowerTeakwood said...

Oh, it's just the best feeling ever. Well, unless you get stuck in seats that are the last row of the plane...or seats that aren't together...Sigh. Really have an awesome adventure. There's nothing like it. Shan