Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apple picking

Last weekend we went apple picking. The girls had a blast and we ended up with 50 lbs of apples. That's a lot of apples!!

So far we've made 14 pints of homemade applesauce and about 3 gallons of apple juice. I'm planning to also make a few pies. I hope the pies last until Thanksgiving. I might have to store them at my moms house to make that happen. Stranger is a big fan of pie! Although my dad likes pie more than Stranger likes pie, so the pies might not be safe anywhere! Poor pies!

EasternStar was much more excited about the apple picking than she was about strawberry picking. Apples are one of her favorite foods! I think she ate two or three right off of the tree. She was not happy about walking on all of the apples that had fallen off of the tree though. All of that uneven terrain was good PT though! 8 )

Success!! Can I eat it now?

RainbowBaby had a good time hanging out in the wagon.

TinyDancer found "the best" apple for pie making


Just waiting to be picked.

1/2 bushel of apples - enough to make 14 pints of applesauce!

A pot full of baby!

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