On Monday night, TinyDancer had her first group recital of the year. She takes 30 minutes of private violin lessons a week and has a 1 hour group class that consists of 30 minutes of "music and movement" and 30 minutes of violin playing. The class is made of up of beginner players from age 3 - 7. Her class performed four songs - a Bow poem, the E string concerto, the Monkey song, and a new (for them) song called the Open String Blues - all of which are relatively easy for her. The bow poem, E string concerto and the Monkey song are songs that she has been playing since last spring. She is currently working on a song called the Twinkle (as in Twinkle, twinkle little star). The song has several variations and then the twinkle, twinkle theme. She is pretty good at a few of the variations and is working on the last 2. Her teacher suggested right before the concert that she could play with the "big kids" during the concert when they played the Twinkle. We thought that she'd do just the first part and maybe the theme. But she played all of the parts and did quite well! Stranger was able to get some video. TinyDancer is right in front - concentrating so hard! The quality isn't that great so you can't see the GIANT smile that she has at the end. Enjoy!
When you click to start watching it's says this is a private video.
I wanted so much to hear TD's recital...
It won't let me watch the video, but how exciting!!!
can't believe how grown-up she is.
I enjoyed the concert.
Tell Tiny Dancer we loved watching her play!
SOOOOO awesome!!! :) Great job TD!
That was amazing!
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