Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I love our new digs!

So, we've been in our new location for almost 3 months now.  Stranger and I agree - not only do we love our house - but we love the fact that it is August 22 and we CAN NOT go swimming!  It is too cold at night and during the day it is only getting up to 84 or 86.  We are itching to get in some swimming before the pool closes...... but...... we can't....... It's getting down to the 50's at night.

I have no idea if this is typical or not - our July certainly was abnormally hot - but - LOVE IT!  8 )

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today is my birthday!

The number beside my name now says "34".  I can't believe that is true.  Math must not be working today.  No way can I be that old!

Anyway,  happy birthday to me and my Mother-in -Law!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lowes vs. Home Depot

Today on the way to pick up TinyDancer from school, EasterStar asked Stranger -

"Are we going to Home Depot?"

Stranger replied "No."

EasternStar - "Good.  Home Depot is boring!"

Stranger - "We are going to Lowes."

EasternStar - "I love Lowes!  Lowes is fun!"

Stranger - "You know they sell the same stuff, right?"

EasternStar - "Yes."

Stranger - "So......they are basically the same store...."

EasternStar - "No.  Home Depot is boring!"


Proof that our kids have opinions about everything!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First day of second grade

Success!  Today went off without a hitch and TinyDancer had a full day of second grade today.  She had a blast and was very excited to finally start the year.

Here are some photos:

Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School - FAIL

Hello there friends!  Did you think that we had fallen into the abyss?  We did.  Kind of.  We've been in 'we just moved our family partially across the country and all free time is spent unpacking boxes' mayhem!

So much news to share - I might do some posts after this and schedule them to appear later in the week.

The point of this post though - today was supposed to be TinyDancer's first day of school.  That was a big FAIL.  We had a big rainstorm on Sunday night and apparently there was water damage to the building and school was canceled for today.  TinyDancer was *so* bummed!!  The last I heard we are "on" for tomorrow, so we'll see!  If it is successful, I'll post a pic of her in her  uniform.  Assuming I can find the camera of course.  I don't think that we've used it since we moved!